Shirley Frias, a singer from Colombia and a music teacher in Shenzhen, recently released a short video “What Color is My Code?” to pass on positive energy and drive away stress among people in Shenzhen.
The two-minute short video, produced by Frias and her husband Mantono Del Valle, using nucleic acid test venues in Futian and Shekou as the background, lifted people’s mood with light lyrics and an upbeat rhythm.
“The aim of writing this song and doing this video was to get some smiles from all the people and lessen a bit the daily stress we all experience in this situation, but at the same time reminding them all that we must continue fighting and following all the rules,” Frias said at an interview Saturday.
A screenshot from Shirley Frias' "What Color is My Code?"
It was the third music video that the Colombian couple had released since March, when the city was put in a week-long lockdown.
In the videos of “Go Go We Are Strong” and “Get Swab” that were released in March and April, Frias, a teacher at the Basis Bilingual School in Futian, passes on her positive outlook towards life.
“Don’t be desperate, don’t lose your faith because everything will be okay. This pandemic will not last forever. We have to be very clever, cooperate and fight together,” is part of the message of the song of "Go Go We Are Strong."
At an earlier interview, Frias said that life under COVID has not been easy for everyone. As a happy and positive person, she wrote the songs to help lift other people’s mood so they could be happier and more positive towards life.
Having been in China for 14 years, Frias said they knew all the measures that government is taking to combat the pandemic are good for all, although they are different from the measures from other countries.
“My family and I have been affected by COVID, but as we have decided that this country is our home, we must continue to support the process and follow all the recommendations,” said Frias.