Nanshan Museum is collecting items related to the current battle against the COVID-19 epidemic in China from the public.
Original documents, photos, videos, artistic works, medical protective products or any items related to the outbreak can be donated to the museum for recording this unforgettable period of 2020.
The documents can be letters, diaries, notes, medical workers’ applications for joining the battle in the epidemic-stricken Hubei Province, aid materials donation lists, residential communities’ documents related to epidemic-combat work, entrance passes, notices, banners and posters. Audio-visual materials, calligraphic works, printed media reports and paintings relevant to the battle are also accepted.
Donors should contact the museum first by phoning staff member Fu Mengyu (151-2205-9560) or by email (
Once approved by the museum for collection, museum staff members will contact donors to collect the donated items after the epidemic is over. Each donor will receive a donation certificate issued by the museum.